Monday, 23 March 2015

Cat Ball Gif

Step By Step Process:

  1. Firstly I downloaded the images of the original video.
    2. I then Resized the document to fit the images' size. 
    3. Next in Adobe Flash Made a layer named "Cat Gif" and then added 71 separate blank keyframes.

    4. After this I placed each image in a separate frame.

    5. Next I created a new layer named "Design" this is the layer in which I will draw the coloured ball.

    6. After this came the process of colouring in the ball for each frame. I used the paint bucket and brush tool.

    7. Lastly I exported the sequence as an animated gif; I made sure to select the "256 Colours" option to make the sequence smoother.
      8. I then decided I wanted to add more to the cat gif so I added a outline to the cat's upper body.
     9. Here is version one with the gif in the background.

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