Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Bionicle Research

Bionicle is a subset company of Lego and it became one of Legos biggest selling properties since it launched during 2000 in Europe and Australia while being released in 2001 in North America. It is aimed at 5-16 year olds.


  • Bionicle has a narrative that keeps fans engaged and sets it apart from other construction sets without stories.
  • Bionicle is relatively easy to assemble.
  • Bionicle looks unique and has their own collectible pieces such as masks and sets.
  • Bionicle is colorful and that helps distinguish characters and sets.
  • Toy statistics have revealed that 85% of American boys aged 6–12 have heard of Bionicle while 45% own the sets.


  • Bionicle storyline may leave potential buyers confused and instead buying sets such as Lego.
  • Bionicle’s aesthetic appearance may lead audiences to believe it is not suitable for children.
  • Bionicle lost a critical amount of sales leading to it’s cancellation.


Bionicle’s manual is easy to understand and simple. This is due to its catalog of items, for example the box at the top left indicates how much of each piece there are. The steps are also clearly labeled and the steps are numbered.

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