Monday, 17 November 2014


Colour Association 

Personal Association

Red- Aggression, Anger, Rage, postbox, skittles, traffic, danger

Orange- Peaceful, oranges, basketball, sun, skittles 

Brown-  chocolate, dirt, rust, mud, 

Yellow-  fear, bananas, the sun, skittles, traffic, gold, danger
Green- grass, sickness, forest, jungle, rainforest, skittles, traffic

Blue- water, ocean, tranquility, the sky, curtains, police, skittles 

Purple- night,  chocolate wrapper, skittles  

Black- hair, dark, night, deep sea

White- clouds, paper, clear, 

Grey- sad, depressed, rain, clouds, old, boring 

1 comment:

  1. John, no evidence of your colour circle and no evaluation either.
